In this true story, a young Midwestern man (Mark Forgy) chronicles his life on the Mediterranean Island of Ibiza where he befriends, and then ends up working for a man who’s life holds many secrets; Elmyr de Hory, the artist known as “The World’s Greatest Art Forger.”
For information about producing a remount of the 60-Minute One Act or the Full-Length Musical, please contact Kevin Bowen at
- Elmyr de Hory (Robert Krueger)
- Young Mark (Zakary Morton)
- Francois Corbeau (Rhett Romsaas)
- Mark Forgy (Todd Bruse)
- Agent Martine (Yvonne Freese)
- Carmen (Sarah Shervey)
- Bo Jennings (Joseph Kastner)
- Sargento Primero (Ricardo Riley)
- The Judge (Meri Golden).
Directed by Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha.
Music Direction, Piano by Roderick Phipps-Kettlewell.
Stage Manager, Set Design, Props by Tim Colby.
Costumes by Robert Yarwood.
Set Construction/Design by John W. Olive.
Script by Mark Forgy, Kevin Bowen & C.S. McNerlin.
Music and Lyrics by Kevin Bowen & C.S. McNerlin.
Arrangements, Additional Music, Synthesizer by Martha Davis.
Percussion by Kian Dziak.
Guitar by Kyle Simons & Joe Filipovich.
Produced by Jim McDonough Jr., Ph.D.
© 2013, 2015 By Mark Forgy, Kevin Bowen & C. S. McNerlin. All Rights Reserved.
The Forger’s Apprentice was first produced as a 60-minute non-musical Minnesota Fringe Festival show in 2013. Here is a link to that production:
For updates on The Forger’s Apprentice, LIKE our FACEBOOK PAGE.
Here are some video clips from the 2-hour full length production.