by Kevin Bowen, Lynn Bowen & Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha. With original music by Natalie Davis-Goshey.
Photo illustration by Kevin Bowen. Photos: and Kevin Bowen.
A play that explores what happens when the technology of today collides with a preliterate, non-industrial agrarian society of the future. A post-apocalyptic-comedic-love-story.
The Oracle was first produced in 2015 featuring the following production team:
- Stanley (M. Scott Taulman)
- Prudence (Yvonne Freese)
- Francis (Jesse Carlson)
Directed by Deon Haider.
Props, Stage Manager, Set Design by Tim Colby.
Music by Natalie Davis-Goshey.

Photo by James Lundy.
© 2015 By Kevin Bowen, Lynn Bowen & Sara Pillatzki-Warzeha.
All Rights Reserved.